Scope of GDPR-Tool at
Processing Index
Privacy Statement
Processor Contracts
Rights of EU Citizens
Google Analytics is in breach of GDPR
The use of Google Analytics may soon no longer be permitted because it does not comply with the European privacy legislation GDPR.
No new EU-US data transfer agreement soon
Last July the Privacy Shield agreement between the United States, Switzerland and the European Union has been rejected by the European Court of Justice. The highest court of the European Union in matters of Union law rejected it because of concerns about U.S. surveillance.
GDPRHub - collection of GDPR-descisions
With the GDPRHub, noyb has published a database that offers summaries of GDPR-decisions from all over Europe in the form of a wiki.
Judgment on Facebook Fanpages in Germany
Collecting data on Facebook has always been criticized by privacy advocates. Now there is a court ruling that takes operators of Facebook fanpages in obligation.
Processing Index Demo Version now available
After the great hype and the tension surrounding the General Data Protection Regulation in spring 2018 and the relatively quiet summer that followed, our personal experience is that still many organizations haven't finished compliance with GDPR. The processing index, an internal documentation requirement, is usually not yet implemented.
End of Service
Thank you for your interest in this GDPR tool.
We've decided to quit with this service at end of September 2023.
Former customers can download their PDFs until the end of September 2023.